Graduation Dawdle
Graduation Dawdle
Each year at this time, High School and College graduates don their robes and bling out their mortar boards to celebrate a long-awaited departure. The high percentage of dull speeches doesn’t dampen their enthusiasm for throwing hats and stomping around the mushy grass in high heels. The joke, of course, is that with the job market so grim, these hopefuls are most likely to stick around with mom for awhile and make full time employment of facebook and twitter. The walk of graduation is being currently pinned as . . .
Colleges are raising tuition and providing incentives for college students who graduate early in an attempt to prevent an epidemic known as the graduation dawdle. The student makes a slow meandering through several majors before landing on Liberal Arts and, in year 6, finally makes a break for the great unknown, only to retreat back to a Master’s Program. Fine. This isn’t exactly our life path, but the issue still stands that with such a bleak job market, many college graduates are looking ahead to a tough go of employment while high school graduates are looking at impacted schools and high tuition. The hope for students is that internships and work study programs will provide them connections to employment, so we encourage research into the chosen field ahead of time to know what types of unpaid work (that could more easily lead to employment) could be out there. It is possible then, that once they walk the plank there will be, perhaps, wealthy mermaids?