Interview Coaching2024-12-27T16:17:36-08:00

Interview Coaching

Davidson Tutoring provides one-on-one school-interview coaching to help students present their best selves in school interviews.

Is Your Student Ready to Ace Their Next Interview?

Most schools require students to visit their campus and have an admission’s interview. This can be very intimidating for students. It’s a new experience, but with some coaching, they can do extremely well at these important interviews.

Interview Coaching With Davidson Tutoring Focuses On…

  • Body Language

  • How to Answer Specific Questions

  • Interview Rules

  • How to Have a Conversation


Single Session

One-on-one school-interview coaching to help your student ace their next admissions interview.

  • 90 Minutes

  • via Zoom


Interview Coaching With Actual Results

“I just wanted to let you know that Stephanie’s interview last Friday went great. She said that she was able to relax after a few minutes and she asked questions and carried on a dialogue with the interviewer. I think the interviewer liked her very much. We are so thankful for your coaching and helpful suggestions. You certainly are very good at what you do.”

A.V., Parent of 6th Grader
School Admissions Interview Prep

“The interview went really well. Three women from the Town and Gown Association interviewed me. We connected through musical theater, and they were really interested in robotics! Thank you so much for working with me. It gave me a lot of confidence going into my interview.”

Shoshana Y., H.S. Senior
College Scholarship Interview Prep

Curious about what’s involved in the interview coaching session? Watch this video.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the session take place?2024-12-27T16:19:51-08:00

Sessions take place via Zoom.

How much does it cost?2022-07-13T17:45:09-07:00

$450 per session.

How long is the session?2020-05-08T19:21:08-07:00

Each session is 90 minutes.

My student has such a great personality, will that be stifled by interview coaching?2020-05-08T19:20:26-07:00

The great thing about students is that they all have unique ideas, talents, and personalities. Our goal is to help your student emphasize what makes them unique, not turn them into robots.

Do you know all the interview questions each and every school asks?2020-05-08T19:19:30-07:00

No. Nor is it our goal to. The goal is to help students learn how to answer any question while presenting their best self in an interview setting. (But we do know a lot of them because of students’ feedback after their interviews).

When should we schedule the session(s)?2020-05-08T19:18:38-07:00

If you are planning on having only one interview coaching session, schedule it 1-3 days before the school interview so the information stays fresh in your student’s mind. If you are applying to multiple schools, you may want to schedule the session before the interview that is most important to you. If you are planning on having multiple interview coaching sessions, you can get started now.

How many sessions should we have?2020-05-08T19:17:45-07:00

This depends on your student. Some parents request multiple sessions, while others feel one will be enough. Give us a call and we can help you decide.

What is covered in the interview coaching session?2020-05-08T19:16:09-07:00

There are two mock interviews recorded on video, one at the beginning and one at the end of the session. We discuss Body Language, Interview Rules and how to Answer Specific Questions. Ultimately the session is about learning how to have a conversation in an interview setting instead of a traditional Q & A.

Does my student need to be able to memorize answers?2020-05-08T19:15:15-07:00

No. The interview coaching session isn’t about memorizing questions and scripted answers. It’s about learning how to answer any question while presenting your best self. It’s about learning how to have a conversation with an adult in a high-pressure situation. It’s about building confidence and decreasing stress.

Get Interview Coaching

Improving school-interview skills can make a difference.

Or Call (818) 345-3511

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